It’s a beautiful thing, as it rises, it rises, it rises,
A blood red wave in the shadow
A wave of blood in the shadow
A wave of blood to symbolise
the names on
The memorial that pierces the
It’s visually stunning the way
the poppies reflect
In the puddles,
A sea of red heads made duller
Lost their colour –
Are they dying or have they
No water can nourish these
roots already
They are dead heads fallen like
shadows of
Biplane fighters in brave
The resurrected phantoms of
their names on
The memorial that pierces the
I’m in awe as it rises, it
rises, it rises –
We’ll be home by Christmas –
It’s still rising towering
narrowing looming reaching…
It’s stopped
Why did it stop?
They can’t stop it’s not over
they’re too young there are too many too many
Too many flowers.
They were real people – note
the ‘were’ –
Maybe you knew them
Can you pick them out?
Each face is a flower
A life struck out
But a legend no doubt
Of whom without
You could not take picture
after picture after picture
Of your son in the shadow of
A graduation in the shadow of
A life made perfect by the
shadow of
The memorial that pierces the
I will stand and stare and
As it pours forth its floral
A sympathetic tributary flood
A blood tide
To dissipate like a wave at my
To dissipate dissolve disperse
Into Flanders Field exalted in
Into Flanders Field exalted
In Flanders Field
They want us to remember
But what am I remembering,
Who must I not forget?
I never met him
You won’t forget him
I never met him
You can’t forget him
I never met him
You shouldn’t forget him
As he crawls through the wire
That tangles protects mangles
That reaches from the shadow of
Protects the beaches in the
shadow of
Beyond our reach in the shadow
The memorial that pierces the
As daylight fades, the lights
come up,
The colours pop, shine like
rain-jewelled petals,
Like glacé buds
Like patent blossom,
Like blood-soaked soil -
The only kind fertile enough
for such seeds
With such ravenous needs
That six thousand strong must
feed the flock
By conceding to bleed to stop
the clock.
But still it rises, it rises, it rises
And it can’t be stopped why won’t it stop the names are the same
the fight is not is not
It’s not over yet –
We are infected in retrospect,
Cannot forgive out of respect –
So no one surrenders in the shadow of
We keep remembering in the shadow of
A day not just of peace but
A memorial that pierces the sun.
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