So, to whoever may be actively following this page of my blog, you will have noticed that I have removed several pieces of my work. This is not because I think they are bad and no longer want you to see them; it is because, in this age of publishing and technology, whoever publishes your work wants to be the first. You can probably see where this is going.
After a 4-year break from trying to get my poetry published in various UK magazines, I have finally decided to take the leap again, but this comes with the sacrifice of having to take down the pieces of work that I am submitting from my blog so as to make them 'unpublished'.
In the unfortunate event that they don't get published, I may re-post them but, for the time being, this blog space may have to be even more inactive than it has been.
Thank you for those who have followed me so far. I shall return and, if I get lucky in the publishing department, you may be the first to know.